Don’t Be Alarmed

“Don’t Be Alarmed:

The evil they do squirm
And within they burn like fire
When the truth is brought to light
Their flames ascend much higher

They gush forth ugly hatred
Divisiveness, chaos, and mayhem
These are the fruits that they produce
So surely you will know them

Do not be alarmed
For this must surely be
The acts of all the faithless
Against the likes of you and me

Unless they shall repent
And turn from all their sin
Their mansions up above
Never will they win

Their evil deeds
Their secret ways
Will seal their fate
Will darken their days

Their guilt and their misery
They all will have to endure
How exquisite is the pain
They soon will know for sure

STEVEN J PARKER – 07/07/2018
PoemSauce LLC©2023

“Personally Signed By Author”

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