Ideas and Dreams

Have you ever stood in a crowded room,
And felt entirely alone
Have you ever felt you belonged somewhere else
Other than in your home

Have ideas and feelings coursed through your mind
Stirring something within
Have you ever felt you would lose your mind
As your head just started to spin

There is something inside you just can’t explain
But you know that it needs to come out
You try to make sense of the commotion within
And sometimes you just want to shout

The anxiousness builds deep inside
And boils on up to the top
You know that you need to do something now
Because it’s never going to stop

Your course isn’t clear and you’re still unsure
Of exactly what to do
But you know that what is coming to light
Is going to be right and true

So forward you go and set fear aside
Nothing to stop you now
Your ideas are born and your dreams are fulfilled
All by the sweat of your brow

STEVEN J PARKER – 09/19/2018
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